GHY-6 acquires first image data from Mars Express

July 15, 2021
Poster of GHY-6 plus ESA Mars Express images

In a world first our Deep Space Communications Antenna, GHY-6, acquired telemetry, including images, of the martian surface.

On Sunday 11th July 2021 the European Space Agency’s Mars Express spacecraft beaming data to ESA Operations via Goonhilly’s Deep Space Communications Antenna - GHY6 – beginning a scientific collaboration between the two organisations.

The data received by GHY6 included images from the @esamarswebcam

This is truly an historic world first – Goonhilly, Cornwall, UK now operates the world's FIRST privately owned deep space communications antenna :)))...

Massive congratulations to CEO Ian Jones and the whole team at Goonhilly, in Cornwall, UK.

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Visitors will be escorted at all times by a representative of GES and it is critical that you only access the areas on site that are relevant to the nature of your visit. Contractors working on site may not always be under direct supervision, so with this in mind you will be required to: Comply with your risk assessments and any additional safe working procedures. Report to your GES representative when you arrive and before you leave our site. Comply with all specific rules if working as part of a construction project. Work in a professional and considerate manner. Clear all generated waste and leave work areas in a safe condition.
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